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Organize Your Workplace

In UAW Region 9A, workers across industries—from manufacturing to museums to movie theaters—are organizing our workplaces in order to build a fighting labor movement that has the power to take on corporate greed, win social justice, and fight for the entire working class.

Get In Touch

If you work in New England, downstate New York, or Puerto Rico, we want to hear from you. Fill out this form, and a Region 9A organizer will be in touch as soon as possible.

Beyond Region 9A

Not in our region, but want to learn more about organizing your workplace with the UAW? Contact the UAW Organizing Department.

Do you work at Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Tesla, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Subaru, Mazda, Rivian, Lucid, Volvo, or another auto manufacturer? Stand up for your fair share with UAW!

Latest Organizing Victories in Region 9A

Region 9A News
AOC addresses Local 259 rally in the Bronx

Local 259 Rallies to Reinstate Worker Fired for Organizing, Joined by NYC Elected Officials

Workers unionizing with Local 259 at Baco Enterprises in the Bronx were joined by civic and elected leaders—including Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio...

Read More Local 259 Rallies to Reinstate Worker Fired for Organizing, Joined by NYC Elected Officials
Region 9A News
Region 9A members at New Organizing Training at UAW Local 405 in Hartford

Six Locals Join Training Hosted by Region 9A's New Organizing Committee

Thanks to UAW Local 405 for hosting Region 9A’s Organizing Committee training today! Members from Locals 405, 422, 571, 2121, 2320, and 6950 joined us...

Read More Six Locals Join Training Hosted by Region 9A's New Organizing Committee
Region 9A News
We won our union! We made our voices heard and now we begin the first steps toward a better NYFA for staff and faculty. Vote total: 149-3

Big Union Win at the New York Film Academy

After the ballots were counted this week, the teachers and staff at the New York Film Academy voted 149 to 3 to unionize with UAW! This resounding 98%...

Read More Big Union Win at the New York Film Academy
Region 9A News

Apply to the UAW Youth Labor Organizing Corp (YLOC)

UAW Youth Labor Organizing Corps (YLOC-UAW)’s Open Organizing School is a joint Region 6/9A program by and for student organizers to help more st...

Read More Apply to the UAW Youth Labor Organizing Corp (YLOC)
Region 9A News
Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline, Massachusetts

Coolidge Corner Theater Voluntarily Recognizes UAW Local 1596

Employees at the historic Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, Massachusetts, recently announced their plans to unionize, and this week management ag...

Read More Coolidge Corner Theater Voluntarily Recognizes UAW Local 1596
Region 9A News
Unanimous union yes at AFAM Union, Local 2110 UAW

Local 2110 Wins Big at American Folk Art Museum, Announces Harper’s Magazine Union

This week, American Folk Art Museum staff voted unanimously to unionize with UAW Local 2110!...

Read More Local 2110 Wins Big at American Folk Art Museum, Announces Harper’s Magazine Union
Region 9A News
New Local 2325 members at Vera Institute of Justice

Local 2325 Announces Newest Union at Vera Institute of Justice

Today, an overwhelming majority of staff at the Vera Institute of Justice announced their intent to form a union with UAW Local 2325...

Read More Local 2325 Announces Newest Union at Vera Institute of Justice
Region 9A News
Local 259 election victory at Mercedes Benz Manhattan

Local 259 Wins Election at Mercedes-Benz Manhattan

This week, service technicians employed by Mercedes-Benz Manhattan voted 31 to 18 to form their union with UAW Local 259...

Read More Local 259 Wins Election at Mercedes-Benz Manhattan
Region 9A News
We won our union! 152 to 32. Einstein Researchers United-UAW

Einstein Researchers United Win Union Election

After postdoctoral researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine signed up more than 80% of their coworkers on authorization cards, they won thei...

Read More Einstein Researchers United Win Union Election
Region 9A News
Schenectady County Public Defenders Union

ALAA Announces Schnectady County Public Defenders Union

The attorneys of the Schenectady County Public Defender's Office announced on Monday that they are forming a union as a chapter of the As...

Read More ALAA Announces Schnectady County Public Defenders Union
Region 9A News
Harvard Academic Workers win union election

4,000 Harvard Academic Workers Win Union Election!

Following in the footsteps of 1,300 workers at the University of Vermont, University of New Hampshire, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute who vo...

Read More 4,000 Harvard Academic Workers Win Union Election!
Region 9A News
Recent election victories in UAW Region 9A

Triple Union Election Victories This Week at UVM, UNH, and WPI

Over 1,300 new members officially joined UAW Region 9A this week, after three historic union election victories at the University of Vermont, Universi...

Read More Triple Union Election Victories This Week at UVM, UNH, and WPI