About the UAW Region 9A Education Fund
The UAW Region 9A Education Fund (The Ed Fund) is an independent non-profit Union-Employer Trust that provides reimbursement to eligible members of up to $1,000 per calendar year for education courses and programs. The Ed Fund Director is Jim Provost and can be reached at uawedfund@gmail.com.
Who is eligible for the Ed Fund and how do I apply?
The Ed Fund is available to post-probationary members from units whose employers contribute to the Ed Fund pursuant to their Collective Bargaining Agreement. To receive reimbursement, you can submit the Application Form with proof of payment and successful completion of class. The Ed Fund Rules describe the supporting documents you need and the Ed Fund will work with you to complete your application.
Currently, members from certain units in Locals 2110, 2179, 2320, and 2325 are eligible:
- Bronx Defenders (Local 2325)
- Legal Aid Society - Investigators & Interpreters United (Local 2325)
- New Immigrant Community Empowerment (Local 2325)
- Monthly Review (Local 2110)
- Lowenstein & Sons (Local 2179)
- Legal Services NYC (Local 2320)
- Levy Ratner (Local 2320)
- Mobilization for Justice (Local 2320)
What kinds of courses are eligible for reimbursement?
College courses, language classes, pottery making, beauty school, gardening, or anything that is primarily educational in nature. See the Ed Fund Rules for more specifics or email Jim Provost, Ed Fund Director at uawedfund@gmail.com with any questions.
Other examples of courses you may be able to use for tuition reimbursement include:
- LSAT Classes
- Language Classes
- Language Immersion Trips (Tuition Only)
- Driving Classes
- Swim Courses
- College and Advanced Degree Classes
Members have used the fund to pay for classes including among others labor education, language learning and ESL, computer skills, GED, and college prep.
What if my local or unit does not have Ed Fund benefits in our CBA?
If your local or unit does not yet participate, you can bargain to include Ed Fund benefits in your next CBA. Let your local leadership know that this is a benefit that you would like to include in the next round of negotiations! For sample language that you can use in your next contract, see here and contact Region 9A Education Representative Alexi Shalom at ashalom@uaw.net
Who manages the Ed Fund?
The Education Fund is jointly managed by trustees which represent the Union and Employers. The Ed Fund's day-to-day operations are handled by UAW Education Fund Director Jim Provost.
Union Trustees:
Lisa Ohta (UAW Local 2325)
Maida Rosenstein (UAW Local 2110)
Brian Schneck (UAW Local 259)
Pam Smith (UAW Local 2320)
Gibb Surette (UAW Local 2320)
Vilma Torres-Mulholland (UAW Local 2179)
Employer Trustees:
Tanya Wong (Legal Services NYC)
Where can I use my Education Fund benefit to further my union education in our region?
In Region 9A, we have excellent universities with labor studies programs in almost every area where we represent members. Among other programs, you can use your Ed Fund benefit to take classes at some of the following institutions:
Massachusetts: UMass Amherst Labor Center
New York: CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies, Cornell Institute of Labor Relations
Puerto Rico: UPR Instituto de Relaciones del Trabajo