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Region 9A Women's Council

The Region 9A Women's Council focuses attention on the issues and concerns of women in the workplace.

Latest from Region 9A's Women's Council

Region 9A News
Region 9A members at 2024 Women's Conference rally in Chicago

Region 9A Heads to Chicago for 2024 Women's & TOP Conferences

Members from Locals 571, 1596, 2110, 2320, and 2377 represented Region 9A at the UAW Women's & TOP Conferences this week in Chicago, Illinois...

Read More Region 9A Heads to Chicago for 2024 Women's & TOP Conferences
Region 9A News
UAW Women's History Month 2024: Mobilize to Empower

Region 9A in the Spotlight for Women's History Month

Servicing Representatives Desiree Lopez Ramirez and Andrea Goodrich were spotlighted by the UAW Women's Department as part of Women's History Month. J...

Read More Region 9A in the Spotlight for Women's History Month
Region 9A News
Region 9A's Women's Council joined UAW Women in celebrating Rosie the Riveter Day

UAW Women Celebrate Rosie the Riveter Day

Region 9A's Women's Council joined UAW Women in celebrating Rosie the Riveter Day at its meeting today!

Read More UAW Women Celebrate Rosie the Riveter Day
Region 9A News
Bring HJ Res 25 to the floor for a vote discharge petition

Take Action on International Women's Day

In honor of International Women’s Day, the UAW Women’s Department is asking all members to sign the ERA Coalition’s petition...

Read More Take Action on International Women's Day
Region 9A News
Region 9A members at 2023 UAW Women's Conference

Region 9A Represents at 2023 UAW Women's Conference

Yasmin Davis (Local 2325), Julia Noriega (Local 4004), Cathy Rayner (Local 7770), Leah Margulies (Local 2325), Vail Kohnert-Yount (Region 9A), and Den...

Read More Region 9A Represents at 2023 UAW Women's Conference