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Local 259 Rallies to Reinstate Worker Fired for Organizing, Joined by NYC Elected Officials

Vail Kohnert-Yount
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Workers unionizing with Local 259 at Baco Enterprises in the Bronx were joined by civic and elected leaders—including Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Comptroller Brad Lander, Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, and Democratic nominee for State Assembly Claire Valdez—to rally in front of the construction materials fabricator.

Local 259 is calling out the company following the unlawful termination of a worker, Alex Patterson, who sought to organize with his coworkers and form a union.

Calling attention to our country’s broken labor laws, the rally demanded that Baco Enterprises reinstate the worker, make him whole with back pay, and recognize the union or agree to be neutral as workers exercise their right to a union election free from intimidation and harassment.