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Region 9A Represents at National CAP Conference

Vail Kohnert-Yount
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Region 9A delegates from Puerto Rico, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island participated in this year’s UAW National Community Action Program (CAP) Conference in Washington, DC, this week. Recordings of the conference are available on the UAW’s YouTube.

At the conference, the UAW revealed its Stand Up For Our Future vision in which we will work to make politicians accountable to a program of a just transition to a green economy, retirement security and post-retirement healthcare, and the labor law reform needed to massively expand efforts to organize nonunion companies in the auto industry, green technologies, higher education, and beyond. In addition to these issues, many of Region 9A’s delegates spoke powerfully in support of our union’s call for a ceasefire in Palestine and Israel in meetings with their elected representatives and on the conference floor. 

IEB members including our UAW President Shawn Fain and Region 9A Director Brandon Mancilla spoke about the future of the UAW’s organizing efforts. Politicians including Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and President Joe Biden also addressed the conference, and President Fain announced the UAW’s endorsement of Joe Biden for President.

Delegates to the conference are invited to report back in our monthly CAP council meetings. The CAP is the legislative and political arm of our Region, with councils in Puerto Rico, Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Each local has representatives on their states’ CAP councils, and all members are welcome to attend meetings, which are typically monthly.