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MFJ Union Ratifies Contract, Winning Historic 13-Week Strike

Vail Kohnert-Yount
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This Monday, 72% of participating union members at Mobilization for Justice voted to ratify the contract offer presented by management last week. Pending the MFJ board’s ratification, this agreement will conclude these workers’ nearly three-month strike—the longest NYC legal services strike since 1991—with major victories including double digit percent raises for MFJ’s lowest paid staff.

The union’s recent pressure campaign on MFJ’s funders and other stakeholders led to management meeting several core union demands, including a starting base salary of $60,000. This sector-leading victory results in a 17% raise for administrative staff and a 13% raise for paralegals. Law graduates will receive an 18% raise, while other staff—including attorneys, social workers, and specialists—will receive a 4% increase for 2024. All unionized staff will receive 3% annual raises in 2025 and 2026, along with a one-time ratification bonus.

The strike also expanded protections for the union’s most vulnerable members. Management will offer full-time union positions to two workers initially hired through temp agencies, including one who was unjustly fired for asserting her union rights. The agreement ensures enhanced due process for disciplinary cases and equitable remote work policies for all workers. The union also preserved its health care plan with no premiums and retained the right to veto changes by management, without any givebacks on sick leave and vacation accrual.

“Management pushed us, but we pushed back harder,” said bargaining team member and paralegal Ella Abeo. “This strike shows that when workers unite, we will win.” Congratulations to the MFJ Union, and thank you to all members who showed up in solidarity on the picket line!