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ALAA Local 2325 Hosts Sectoral Bargaining Convention

Vail Kohnert-Yount
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Last weekend, members of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys (UAW Local 2325) gathered in New York City and on Zoom for the local’s first ever sectoral bargaining convention, where members coordinated bargaining priorities for upcoming negotiations. UAW President Shawn Fain addressed the convention and reiterated the union’s call to align our contracts to May Day 2028.

In the last 10 years, ALAA has increased its density and power in the legal services sector in NYC and is now aiming to deploy a sectoral bargaining strategy. The local has lined up many of their bargaining units’ contracts to expire on the same day: June 30, 2025. By having contracts expire simultaneously and engaging in coordinated, sectoral bargaining, ALAA believes it will be more empowered to extract concessions from management and to secure increased funding from city and state governments.

The convention was intended to be the first step in formulating demands for this contract campaign that could result in a strike of over 1,700 lawyers on July 1, 2025. Read more about ALAA’s strategy at the Chief Leader, and learn more about ALAA’s 50 year history.