Vail Kohnert-Yount
Vail Kohnert-Yount was appointed the Assistant Director of UAW Region 9A on May 1, 2023, based in Boston, Massachusetts.
She joined UAW Local 2320, the National Organization of Legal Services Workers, as a workers’ rights lawyer at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, representing low-wage workers in her home state along the U.S.-Mexico border. As an NOLSW member, she served as a steward and convention delegate and was elected to NOLSW’s national executive board as a regional vice president.
She first joined the UAW as a student worker in law school, after organizing to win the election to form UAW Local 5118, the Harvard Graduate Students Union. She is proud to follow in the footsteps of her family who are members of UAW Local 598 in Flint, Michigan, home of the UAW sit-down strikers.