About Us

From Left to Right:
Financial Secretary Dave Evans, Recording Secretary Martha Fletcher, 
1st Vice President David M. Reagan, President William E. Louis,  
 2nd Vice President Amy Stephenson, and Treasurer Robert Faraci.

Contact the Union Hall when you need any information updated or added or 
for comments and suggestions: [email protected]

Mission Statement for the MDA-UAW Local 571

The mission of MDA-UAW Local 571 is to serve and represent all members and their families to the best of our ability by providing work place representation, financial/job security, seniority and respect. 

We will achieve these goals by educating the union leadership and the membership about their roles and responsibilities in this process. We also understand that teamwork is the ability to evaluate ideas on their merit, focusing on the issue and not the person. Our teamwork starts with the membership’s voice being heard which will help create an environment necessary for success. 

Local 571’s priority is to improve the quality of life of our members and their families by maintaining the highest level of integrity in operating the union.  “Pride, Ownership and Accountability”

The Marine Draftsmans-United Auto Workers Local 571:

Your Local
Directions to the Office
Executive Officers